Search results for Adding a Caregiver and Set baselines for the caregiver competency check

222 articles found

  • What are we detecting in the Calendar when Therapist’s hours are logged in? / ¿Qué detectamos en el calendario cuando se registran horas?

    A therapist or a superuser logs hours into the system to track the time a clinician has worked and how many hours a client has been worked on. The system makes it easy to see when weekly limits,

  • Restrictions / Restricciones

    The administrator or superuser can set restrictions for a client where no Therapists are permitted to log sessions for the said Client during the hours specified on the restrictions page. To Add

  • Using ESIGN (Electronic Signature) / Utilizar ESIGN (Firma electrónica)

    Setting up your ESIGN To set up your electronic signature, select Profile on the top navigation menu then select My Signature. At the My Signature screen, you can create your electronic signature.

  • Importing clients in bulk / Importar clientes de forma masiva

    1. Click on Settings at the top-right menu, and select Import Clients (Bulk). 2. You will be directed to the Import Client (Bulk) screen. 3. It is important that you Import a file with the correct

  • Change Password / Cambiar contraseña

    In the top right navigation, click on Profile and select User Profile from the dropdown. At the edit user screen, type in the new password in the Password field and enter the same password in the

  • Group Therapy

    Enable Group Therapy Navigate to General Settings -> Company Settings and toggle Enable Group Therapy under Other Options. The clients' section will then be renamed to Clients & Groups and you can

  • Therapists Page

    The following will be released in 24.9: The Therapists page displays all of the therapists with important information and actions. therapists page view for super users and admins How to view a

  • 8.5: Introducing Group Therapy

    Release Recap The 8.5 release introduces Group Therapy, the ability for providers to have multiple clients in a session. The following new features and functionality have been released in CR

  • Archiving Therapists/ Archivar terapeutas

    Archiving Therapists If you ever want to remove access for one or more of your therapists all you have to do is press the Archive button on the right-hand side of an employee's row located within the

  • 8.7: Enhancements to Group Therapy

    Release Recap The 8.7 release enhances Group Therapy functionality by facilitating the creation of Analyst Notes and logging of supervision for group sessions. The following new features and

  • Downloading Therapist Logged Times / Descargar horas registradas por terapeutas

    Here are the steps on how to download therapist-logged times: 1. Select Therapists from the left navigation menu. 2. Select the employee that you want to download the logged times. 3. Click on the

  • Therapist training in English (video) / Entrenamiento para terapeutas en español (video)

    Recorded training for therapists in English. Any questions, please use the contact support button on the lower-left corner of your screen when in CR Essentials. Entrenamiento para terapeutas en

  • Adjusting Therapist Payroll Rate / Ajustar las tarifas de planilla de un terapeuta

    1. To adjust a specific therapist rate, select Therapists in the left navigation menu. 2. Select the Therapist you wish to adjust the service rate for. 3. After you choose the therapist, click on the

  • April 2022 Release Highlights

    April 2022 Release is now available! This new release contains enhancements to multiple areas of the product including: The following is a new feature of the mobile application: Super users can now

  • 24.1: Introducing ABC Data Collection

    Release Recap The 24.1 release introduces ABC Data Collection for clients in Progress, Analyst, and Lead Analyst Notes. The following new features and functionality have been released in CR

  • Left Navigation Menu / Menú de navegación lateral

    CR Essentials' main navigation menu is found on the left side of the screen. The left navigation menu can be accessed from any page, and it shows the different sections and areas in the software.

  • Mobile app training (video)

    CR Essentials's recorded app training: Offline mode While offline, users can: 1. Collect all clinical data, including session timers. 2. Start, track time, and end visits. 3. View client data and

  • 3.0: Mobile Clinical Data Collection Updates

    Release Recap The 3.0 Mobile release contains updates to clinical data collection. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft’s mobile application: The following

  • CR Elements - Custom Programs

    The ability to upload custom programs or enhance a CR Elements clinical program is available in our Premium Clinical Program upgrade. To upgrade, contact your Account Executive at 800-939-5414. It

  • ABC Data Collection

    How To Record ABC Data Navigate to a Client's Analyst Note or Progress Note Below the last skill data selection section, you will see the ABC records section + Add ABC Record allows you to record a

  • Clients Page

    The following will be released in 24.9: The Clients page displays all of the clients with important information and actions. clients page for super users and admins clients page view for therapists

  • Supervision Log

    The supervision log contains historical information about who has been the supervisor of a therapist on a case. It is found on the left navigation menu. Supervisor Log screenshot It is available for

  • Company Dashboard / Consola

    The Dashboard is where you will see a summary of information about the company. The dashboard is also the homepage of the software. This is the first screen that will appear when a user, with

  • ABC Data Collection Mobile

    Version 4.4 of the mobile application introduces the new data collection user interface and the ability to collect abc data. New Data Collection View: Date Picker, Timer New Date Picker Click on the

  • Tellus/Netsmart EVV Suspension

    As you may be aware, the ABA EVV pilot program in AHCA Regions 9, 10, and 11 has been suspended. ABA service providers billing Medicaid in those regions will no longer be required to use

  • Archives / Archivos

    The Archives section will find the list of archived therapists and clients/groups. You can also filter your search by clicking on the filter icon or search by using the search bar You can type in and

  • Billing Monthly Audit / Auditoria mensual de facturación

    The billing monthly audit was created to keep track of the therapist's notes. It will audit if the therapist has a note for every day he or she is scheduled with a client for a month. This is just a

  • Billing Under Supervisor's Credentials / Facturar con las credenciales del supervisor

    To bill visits for under someone else's credentials you will have to do 2 things. The first one is going to Settings>Financial Settings>Billing Codes and editing the billing codes by turning on the

  • Creating Backups / Creación de Respaldos

    Everything in CR Essentials can be downloaded or exported. In order to create backups, you can create zip files that contain all the approved notes and export data from graphs. 1. Backup progress

  • Note Status Meaning in ABA Documents

    Here is some help in understanding the meaning of the status of your notes: Status Waiting for review: The therapist will need to wait for analysts to approve notes so this status can change to

  • Payroll Summary / Resumen de la nómina

    The Payroll Summary is where you can run a payroll report of each employee or therapist, for a specified period or date. At the left navigation menu, click on Payroll Summary. Enter the specific

  • Collecting Maladaptive Behavior Data - Mobile App / Recolectar data maladaptativa en la aplicación

    To add maladaptive data for a client: Log in to the mobile app. At the home screen, tap on the Data icon below. Select a client to whom you want to add data to, and tap the name. On the next screen,

  • Electronic Visit Logs / Registro de visitas electrónicas

    The “Electronic Visit Logs” is where you can view the different visits for a specific date/period of a client. You can access this by clicking the “Electronic Visit Logs” at the left navigation menu.

  • 4.4: Mobile ABC Data Collection

    Release Recap The 4.4 Mobile release introduces ABC Data Collection for clients, as well as visual enhancements to the user interface. The following new features and functionality have been released

  • Calendar view screen / Ver la pantalla del calendario

    To view the details of the visit, at the calendar view screen Click Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Click the ADD button under NOTES/TIME of the client to that you want to schedule a visit.

  • Apache Log4j Library Vulnerability.

    As you may know, on December 9, 2021 it was announced that Apache Log4j, a popular logging library used by many Java applications, is vulnerable to severe attack via remote code execution. This

  • Payers / Pagadores

    To add your payers in CR Essentials you must 1. Go to Settings > General Settings > Financial Settings 2. Once you have clicked on Payers select the option "ADD PAYER" 3. After clicking on "Add

  • Downloading CMS 1500 / 837p file / Descarga de un archivo CMS 1500 / 837p

    To download the CMS 1500 form or the 837p file (the standard format used by health care professionals and suppliers to transmit health care claims electronically), there are several things that need

  • Re-creating an STO / Recrear STOs

    Sometimes, STOs are customized to the point where the best option is just to re-create them if you are not happy with them. This is especially useful if you were trying to match MET status from a

  • Cancelations / Cancelaciones

    Reasons for cancellations are customized in Settings > General Settings > Visit Cancellation Reasons Once they have been canceled, they will show up stricken in the calendar view. In the billing

  • Manage Non-Billable Events

    Non-billables are events you want to schedule but are not linked to a specific client. These may be office training, travel time, admin time, etc. To find non-billable events and make changes follow

  • Medications / Medicamentos

    To Add Medication: Click Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Select the client to that you want to add medications. Click on the Medications tab. 3. Click on the ADD NEW MEDICATION OR MEDICATION

  • Logs & User Activity / Registros y actividad de los usuarios

    In Log & User Activities you are able to see the list of users who logged in and out of the system. The Date & Time, as well as the Remote Address, are also displayed for HIPAA compliance purposes.

  • Password Strength / Seguridad de la contraseña

    The following are the requirements for the password: Contains non-alphanumeric chars (i.e. #*-_!~@) At least 8 characters long Does not contain login name or users birthdate Contains a variety of

  • 837p file Error Codes

    SV101-04 Procedure Modifier List of validations: *required element REF02 Subscriber Supplemental Identifier is blank: This means the SSN is blank and needs to be filled out accordingly. (Client's

  • 6.3.8: GPS Verification

    Release Recap The 6.3.8 release contains GPS verification, and updates to Therapist and Narrated Analyst Notes. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft: Admins

  • June 2022 Release Highlights

    June 2022 Release is now available! This new release contains enhancements to multiple areas of the product, including: Admins can now allow GPS verification for payers that require verification.

  • Resend Credentials

    Welcome emails, or credentials emails, have an expiration time for security purposes. To resend credentials to users whose link has expired: Ask the user (therapist or superuser) to delete all

  • 24.7: Billing Code Payroll Rates

    Release Recap The 24.7 release includes the ability for admins to assign therapists separate payroll rates for different billing codes. The following new features and functionality have been released

  • How are Billable Units defined (Units of Service) / Cómo se definen las unidades facturables (unidades de servicio)

    A unit of service is the number of times a procedure is performed. The definition of the unit varies by service. For services defined in 15-minute increments, the total units of service for the day