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208 articles found
Therapists Page
The following will be released in 24.9: The Therapists page displays all of the therapists with important information and actions. therapists page view for super users and admins How to view a
Medications / Medicamentos
To Add Medication: Click Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Select the client to that you want to add medications. Click on the Medications tab. 3. Click on the ADD NEW MEDICATION OR MEDICATION
Preferences / Preferencias
In the preferences screen, you will be able to view all client preferences that were added through the progress notes. It will show the date when the preference was noted, and the date of the
Using ESIGN (Electronic Signature) / Utilizar ESIGN (Firma electrónica)
Setting up your ESIGN To set up your electronic signature, select Profile on the top navigation menu then select My Signature. At the My Signature screen, you can create your electronic signature.
View, Sign, Edit, and Delete notes in ABA Docs
To Edit or Delete notes: Go to the client´s profile, then ABA Documents. Once there, check the ACTION column. Click on the pencil icon to edit or the trashcan icon to delete. Click on the view, or
3.1: Mobile Non-billable Events and Cancelled Visits
Release Recap The 3.1 Mobile release contains non-billable events and cancelled visits. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft’s mobile application:
Clients Page
The following will be released in 24.9: The Clients page displays all of the clients with important information and actions. clients page for super users and admins clients page view for therapists
6.0.1: Payor Import File and Claim Screen Updates
Release Recap The 6.0.1 release contains updates to the Payor Import file and Claim screen. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft: When creating an
6.3.4: Therapist Requirement Table Update and Bug Fixes
Release Recap The 6.3.4 release contains a new field added to the Therapist Requirement table and bug fixes. The following new features and functionality have been released in CR Essentials: An
Places of Service / Lugares de servicio
Places of Service is a company setting under General. To set up places of service you must click on Settings in the top navigation and select Places of Service. You can add more places of service,
Importing Therapists in Bulk / Importar terapuetas de forma masiva
Click on Settings at the top-right menu, and select Import Therapists (Bulk). 2. You will be directed to the Import Therapists (Bulk) screen. It is important that you Import a file with the correct
Adding Company Addresses / Agregando direcciones de compañia
HOW TO ADD COMPANY ADDRESSES. Adding the company address correctly may be done by following the next steps. 1. To set up different addresses for the company you will have to go to Settings> General
3.0: Mobile Clinical Data Collection Updates
Release Recap The 3.0 Mobile release contains updates to clinical data collection. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft’s mobile application: The following
Viewing Client Information / Ver información de un cliente
To view client information in the mobile app: Log in to the CR Essentials Mobile app. Select the clients icon from the lower bar section. Select a client. NOTE: CR Essentials mobile app training
Company Settings / Ajustes de la compañía
Company Settings is a configuration under Settings. To configure this you must click Settings on the top navigation and select, then General Settings and for last Company Settings. On this screen you
Directors (Owners) / Directores (Propietarios)
To configure the Directors (Owners) list, please click on Settings in the top navigation and select Directors (Owners). In this screen, you will be able to add, edit, and archive directors' (Owners)
How are Billable Units defined (Units of Service) / Cómo se definen las unidades facturables (unidades de servicio)
A unit of service is the number of times a procedure is performed. The definition of the unit varies by service. For services defined in 15-minute increments, the total units of service for the day
Approve Notes in ABA Docs
Before approving Notes, you must understand the meaning of the Notes Status. Please, check the following article: Note Status Meaning in ABA Documents To Approve Progress Notes or even Analyst Notes
Profit Summary / Resumen de ganancias
In the profit summary, you will see the profit made by each owner/director. Select profit summary on the left navigation menu. Select the date range that you want to run the report for. Then click
8.3: Therapist Requirements Visibility Updates and Billing Enhancements
Release Recap The 8.3 release contains updates to the "Therapists - Certifications & Requirements Report" and "Therapist Courses & Documents Required" tables, and Billing enhancements. The following
Exporting client data for behaviors & skills / Exportar datos de conductas del cliente
The export functionality in CR Essentials allows you to export all the data collected for a specific Behavior or Skills, you can group the data per week, or you can export the data per day. This will
Adding previous client data for maladaptives & replacements / Agregar datos de clientes anteriores para maladaptativos y reemplazos
Previous data collected for clients before starting with CR Essentials can be inputted into the system. To add this data: Select Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Select Add under the
Apache Log4j Library Vulnerability.
As you may know, on December 9, 2021 it was announced that Apache Log4j, a popular logging library used by many Java applications, is vulnerable to severe attack via remote code execution. This
Skills / Habilidades
Replacements & Skill Acquisitions are set up under Behavior Analysis and are reflected in the progress notes and under a client profile. To set up Replacements & Skill Acquisitions you must click on
Client Addresses / Direcciones de clientes
The Addresses tab is found on the client's profile page. Here, you will be able to see the service addresses of the client. The address that was entered upon Adding the Client will reflect on the
8.6: Introducing the Supervisor Log Report
Release Recap The 8.6 release introduces the ability for admins and super users to view, edit, and create Supervisor Logs. This functionality was previously available only to our Customer Support.
Adjusting Therapist Payroll Rate / Ajustar las tarifas de planilla de un terapeuta
1. To adjust a specific therapist rate, select Therapists in the left navigation menu. 2. Select the Therapist you wish to adjust the service rate for. 3. After you choose the therapist, click on the
Billing Under Supervisor's Credentials / Facturar con las credenciales del supervisor
To bill visits for under someone else's credentials you will have to do 2 things. The first one is going to Settings>Financial Settings>Billing Codes and editing the billing codes by turning on the
Payroll Summary / Resumen de la nómina
The Payroll Summary is where you can run a payroll report of each employee or therapist, for a specified period or date. At the left navigation menu, click on Payroll Summary. Enter the specific
Uploading or changing your profile photo in the Mobile App / Descargar o cambiar foto de perfil en su aplicación móvil
To upload or change your profile photo in the mobile app: Log in to the CR Essentials Mobile app. On the home screen, in the left top corner, click on the tool icon (settings). Select the first
24.1: Introducing ABC Data Collection
Release Recap The 24.1 release introduces ABC Data Collection for clients in Progress, Analyst, and Lead Analyst Notes. The following new features and functionality have been released in CR
Schedule recurring visits / Agendar visitas recurrentes
Here is how you can schedule recurring visits: 1. Click on Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Click the Add button under NOTES/TIME of the client to whom you want to schedule the recurring
Electronic Visit Logs / Registro de visitas electrónicas
The “Electronic Visit Logs” is where you can view the different visits for a specific date/period of a client. You can access this by clicking the “Electronic Visit Logs” at the left navigation menu.
Importing clients in bulk / Importar clientes de forma masiva
1. Click on Settings at the top-right menu, and select Import Clients (Bulk). 2. You will be directed to the Import Client (Bulk) screen. 3. It is important that you Import a file with the correct
Editing replacement/skill STOs / Editar STOs de conductas de reemplazo o habilidades
The steps on how to edit replacement/skill STOs: 1. Select Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Click the name of the client you want to change the STOs. 3. From the client’s main screen, select
Forgot Password | Unable to Log in / Contraseña olvidada | Incapaz de iniciar sesión
If you are unable to log into CR Essentials with your current username and password, or if you happen to forget your password: Click on the Forgot your Password link on the login page. You will be
Grouping visits into claims (Video)
Sometimes visits need to be grouped in a certain way in the CMS 1500 for billing purposes. Please see the video below to learn how those visits are grouped.
Tellus/Netsmart EVV Suspension
As you may be aware, the ABA EVV pilot program in AHCA Regions 9, 10, and 11 has been suspended. ABA service providers billing Medicaid in those regions will no longer be required to use
Clinical overview for therapists (video)
We know that as a therapist you want to get up and running as quickly as possible. With the following video, you'll be ready to start collecting data and creating notes in about 10 minutes. Enjoy!
6.3.7: Supervision Report Fix
Release Recap The 6.3.7 release contains a fix to Supervision report PDF documents. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft: In Supervision report PDF
9.1: Maladaptive Behaviors and Replacements/Skills Updates
Release Recap The 9.1 release contains updates to Maladaptive Behaviors and Replacements/Skills. The following new features and functionality have been released in CR Essentials: References of
How To Cancel or Delete an Event in the Unified Calendar
The unified calendar is currently in invitation only beta. How to cancel an event Select the event you want to cancel delete by clicking on it In the slideover, select the cenceled checkbox Select a
Logs & User Activity / Registros y actividad de los usuarios
In Log & User Activities you are able to see the list of users who logged in and out of the system. The Date & Time, as well as the Remote Address, are also displayed for HIPAA compliance purposes.
Password Strength / Seguridad de la contraseña
The following are the requirements for the password: Contains non-alphanumeric chars (i.e. #*-_!~@) At least 8 characters long Does not contain login name or users birthdate Contains a variety of
Viewing RBT competency checks / Ver evaluaciones de competencia de un RBT
To view the saved RBT competency checks, click on View Competency Checks. You will be brought to the Applied Behavior Analysis section, then the RBT Competencies tab, where you can check all RBT
8.5.7: Customizable Billing Providers and Financial Settings Enhancements
Release Recap The 8.5.7 release introduces the ability to allow users to create and use a customized billing provider for each payor, as well as enhancements to the Financial Settings. The following
Trash Bin / Papelera
All maladaptive and replacements deleted from the archived list will now be found in the Trash Bin. You can find the Trash Bin at the left navigation menu, under Misc. If you want to put the
6.1: Introducing the CMS 1500 Form
Release Recap The 6.1 release introduces the CMS 1500 form and updates to visits. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft: Users can now print and download the
Editing the scheduled time of scheduled visits in the calendar view screen / Editar la hora programada de las visitas agendadas en el calendario
Administrators, superusers, and therapists can edit the scheduled visits in the calendar view screen. The scheduled times are only editable for visits with visit scheduled status. Go to the calendar
Delete visit signatures / Eliminar firmas de visitas
Administrators or superusers with the necessary permissions can delete signatures from visits. By doing the following steps: 1. Go to your left navigation menu and click Billing Summary and click on