Search results for Adding a Caregiver and Set baselines for the caregiver competency check

222 articles found

  • 6.3.6: Bug Fixes

    Release Recap The 6.3.6 release contains Invoice and progress note bug fixes. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft: Graphs for behaviors where data was

  • Profit Summary / Resumen de ganancias

    In the profit summary, you will see the profit made by each owner/director. Select profit summary on the left navigation menu. Select the date range that you want to run the report for. Then click

  • Subscription Details

    This page is available only for administrators through the top navigation menu. Administrators can click on Profile>Subscription and see what their products are. Subscription screen route The first

  • Interventions / Intervenciones

    Interventions are a clinical configuration under Behavior Analysis that is reflected when a therapist or user creates a progress note. To configure interventions you must click on Settings in the top

  • 3.3: Mobile Visit Timer Updates

    Release Recap The 3.3 Mobile release contains the ability to disable the visit timer. The following new features and functionality have been released in CR Essentials’ mobile application: Users can

  • Top Navigation Menu / Menú de navegación superior

    The Top Right Navigation of the software consists of the following: Support Clicking “Support” shows the Knowledge Database and Contact Support sub-menu items: 1. Knowledge Database Clicking

  • Behavior / Conducta

    Behaviors are configurable under Behavior Analysis and are reflected in the progress notes and under a client profile. To configure Maladaptive Behaviors you must click on Settings in the top

  • Dual Users / Usuarios Duales

    A dual user is someone that is both an office staff member with administrative tasks and also a therapist that provides services to clients. The only requirement to create a dual user is creating a

  • Superuser permission matrix / Matriz de permisos de superusuario

    You can view the functions for each permission that you can grant to a superuser by doing a right-click-open image in a new tab.

  • Grouping visits into claims (Video)

    Sometimes visits need to be grouped in a certain way in the CMS 1500 for billing purposes. Please see the video below to learn how those visits are grouped.

  • Schedule Non-Billable Events

    How to schedule non-billable events: Go to Forms Data & Time. Make sure you are not selecting any client, this is how you add non-billable time. Click on the Start Time box to add the starting time

  • Environmental Change Categories / Categorías de cambios ambientales

    Environmental Change Categories are a clinical configuration under Behavior Analysis that is reflected when a therapist or user creates a daily note. To configure Environmental Change Categories you

  • Creating Assessments / Crear evaluaciones

    To create Assessments first we should understand the following: Assessments are created in each client profile. This means that the created assessment will be shown exclusively in the client´s

  • Change Email Address / Cambiar Correo Electrónico

    In the top right navigation, click on Profile and select User Profile from the dropdown. At the edit user screen, type in the new email you would like to use for your Behaviorsoft services in the

  • Schedule recurring visits / Agendar visitas recurrentes

    Here is how you can schedule recurring visits: 1. Click on Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Click the Add button under NOTES/TIME of the client to whom you want to schedule the recurring

  • 8.4: Field Name Updates

    Release Recap The 8.4 release contains updates to the field names throughout the application. The following new features and functionality have been released in CR Essentials: The “Training” field in

  • Delete visit signatures / Eliminar firmas de visitas

    Administrators or superusers with the necessary permissions can delete signatures from visits. By doing the following steps: 1. Go to your left navigation menu and click Billing Summary and click on

  • Trash Bin / Papelera

    All maladaptive and replacements deleted from the archived list will now be found in the Trash Bin. You can find the Trash Bin at the left navigation menu, under Misc. If you want to put the

  • 6.3.7: Supervision Report Fix

    Release Recap The 6.3.7 release contains a fix to Supervision report PDF documents. The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft: In Supervision report PDF

  • Editing replacement/skill STOs / Editar STOs de conductas de reemplazo o habilidades

    The steps on how to edit replacement/skill STOs: 1. Select Clients on the left navigation menu. 2. Click the name of the client you want to change the STOs. 3. From the client’s main screen, select

  • Inbox / Bandeja de entrada

    Admins and superusers with permission will have the inbox tab available. The inbox is where progress notes, analyst notes, and documents that have been added will appear. As an approver, you will be

  • Viewing Client Information / Ver información de un cliente

    To view client information in the mobile app: Log in to the CR Essentials Mobile app. Select the clients icon from the lower bar section. Select a client. NOTE: CR Essentials mobile app training