7.0: Billing Summary and EVV Updates
Release Recap
The 7.0 release contains Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) and Billing Summary updates, caregiver access to Progress and Analyst Notes, and the ability for admins and super users to unlink therapists from users.
The following new features and functionality have been released in Behaviorsoft:
- Progress and Analyst Notes now contain the number of billable units, visit duration, and caregiver signature for viewers.
- When collecting data on a Progress Note, If no data is collected for a Maladaptive, it will record as “Empty” instead of “0”.
- The following are Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) updates:
- The Visit Verification list now includes Therapist and Caregiver Signatures.
- Visit logs without GPS visit verification will state, “No GPS details.”
- Caregivers now have access to Progress and Analyst Notes to view and sign in the Caregiver Portal.
- The following are Billing Summary updates:
- A “Note” column has been added to the Billing Summary. The Note column will indicate N/A, Missing, Incomplete, and Complete notes.
- A “Time” column has been added to the Billing Summary to display start and end times for visits.
- A “Note Status” filter has been added to the Billing Summary for users to view those with or without missing notes.
- When expired therapist documents are updated, the “Therapist” column will update as expected.
- STO labels in graphs will no longer cover dates.
- Admins and super users can unlink therapists from users.
- The company setting header has been renamed to “Show logged times, duration, billable units & billable codes on the notes”.