25.2.0: New Payer Setting & Client Page Enhancements

Release 25.2..0 will be available mid February, 2025.

Release Recap 

The 25.2 release includes a new payer setting, restructuring of caregiver name fields, and multiple design updates to tabs in the Client page. 

The following new features and functionality have been released in CR Essentials:

New Payer Setting 

A new payer setting allows users to include the following fields in the header of the standard progress notes: client name, client DOB, client insurance ID. This will help ensure compliance for those who have Tennessee Medicaid payers. 

Caregiver Names 

When creating or editing a caregiver's information, the full name field is now split into first, middle, and last name fields, with first and last names required. Existing caregiver names have been automatically reformatted to match this new structure. 

Caregiver names will still be displayed in full format in the "Caregivers" tab of the Client Page.

Client Page Updates 

Several updates and enhancements were made to tabs on the Clients page to improve usability, data organization, and performance: 

  • Addresses 
    • The table now includes a "Client Visit Addresses" title for clarity.
    • The "address title (optional)" field was renamed to "address title.” 
  • Restrictions  
    • The table now includes a "Time Restrictions" title for clarity. 
  • Authorizations 
    • The "Active Authorizations" table has been renamed to "Authorizations."
    • The “Archived Client Authorizations” table has been moved to the Archives page.
  • Medications 
    • The tables now have an improved layout for better clarity and user experience.
  • Caregivers 
    • The "Active Caregivers" table has been renamed to "Caregivers" and now includes the following columns: Name, Relationship, Baseline Date, Access To, Login Status, and Comment.
    • The “Archived Client Caregivers” table has been moved to the Archives page. 
    • Additionally, an unlabeled Actions column features a vertical ellipsis menu with the following options: 
      • Edit 
      • View Progress Charts 
      • View Documents 
      • Create Document 
      • Create Competency Check 
      • Create Login Credentials (only available if the caregiver has not been provisioned) 
      • Archive 

  • RBT Competencies 
    • The "Progress" and "Competency Check" columns have been removed from both Active and Archived RBTs tables. 
    • The Actions column now has a blank header and a vertical ellipsis menu with the following dropdown options for managing RBTs:
      • Create Competency Check 
      • View Competency Check(s) 
      • View Charts 
      • Edit 
      • Archive RBT 
  • Preferences 
    • The "Active Client Preferences" table has been renamed to "Client Preferences" with a note next to the title indicating that preferences are accessible via progress notes.  
    • Users must now select an effective date when archiving a preference.
    • The “Archived Client Preferences” table has been moved to the Archives page. 
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