How to Navigate the New Calendar Versus the Legacy Calendar

This article will help you easily switch from the legacy calendar to the new one and get your work done quickly and smoothly. Everything you need is still here, just faster and simpler to use.

Accessing the New Calendar

  • The new calendar can be accessed directly from the main navigation menu on the left. Simply click on the Calendar tab to open the Calendar.
  • The calendar can also be accessed from the ClientsGroups, and Therapists pages by clicking on the "+" calendar icon on the actions

Task How It Works in Legacy Calendar How It Works in New Calendar
Calendar View

Click on the legacy calendar to view all scheduled visits for the selected month in a grid format. 

Note: Monthly view only.

Click "Calendar" in the left menu to display the default Weekly View

Switch between DailyWeekly, and Monthly Views using the mode options. 

The top left shows the current date range, which adjusts based on the selected mode. 

Use the (<) and (>) arrows to navigate through days, weeks, or months. 

Scheduled visits are displayed as color-coded blocks with visit names.

Calendar View - Daily Not available

Displays all scheduled visits for a single day in a detailed, hourly format.

Calendar View - Weekly Not available

Displays all scheduled visits for the entire week, grouped by day.

Calendar View - Monthly

Displays all scheduled visits for the selected month in a grid format.

Displays an overview of all scheduled visits for the entire month.

Create a Visit - Individual
  1. Click on any calendar date slot to open a popup modal for creating a visit. 
  2. Select a client from the dropdown (with filtering options). 
  • 3. Alternatively, directly enter the Start Time and End Time on the selected date slot.

  1. Click on any calendar date slot or use the Create button to open the Create Event panel on the left. 
  2. By default, Individual is selected under Therapy Type, and the Event Type defaults to Visit.  

  1. Use the Client and Therapist dropdowns to select a client and therapist.

  1. Fill in all the required details and any additional information, then click Save to create the visit.

Create a Visit - Group
  1. Navigate to the Groups section. 
  2. Select assigned personnel for the group. 
  3. Choose the group you want to schedule a visit for. 
  4. Create the visit by selecting the date and time.

  1. In the Create Event panel, select Group under Therapy Type, and the Event Type defaults to Visit
  2. Use the Group and Therapist dropdowns to select a group and therapist.
  3. Fill in all the required details and any additional information, then click Save to create the visit.

Recurring Visits
  1. Click on the date slot where you want to schedule the visit.
  2. A popup modal appear. 
    1. Use the modal to enter the Start Time and End Time for the visit. 
    2. Use the Repeat option to select the days the visit should repeat (e.g., Mon, Wed, Fri).

  1. When creating a visit, the Repeat checkbox is unchecked  by default .The visit applies only to the selected date and time unless recurrence is enabled. 
  2. Check the Repeat checkbox in the left Create Event panel to enable recurrence options.

Viewing Scheduled Visits
  1. Once a visit is scheduled, it appears on the calendar grid.
  • 2. To view detailed information about the visit, click the Magnifying Glass Icon.

  1. Once a visit is scheduled, click on the visit, it opens a panel with three tabs: 

    1. Details Tab: Displays key visit information such as time, billing code, and therapist.

    2. Notes Tab: Create and view session-related forms like Analyst Notes, Progress Notes, and Competency Checks, organized by categories for easy access.

    3. Billing Tab: Displays detailed visit information, including Visit IDstatusdatescheduled/actual timebillable units, and location (scheduled and actual). Includes placeholders for therapist and caregiver signatures.

Editing a Visit

To edit visit details click the Pencil Icon on the scheduled visit in the grid.

Visit details can be edited in the Details Tab by clicking the Pencil Icon

Deleting a Visit

To delete a visit, click the Trash Icon on the scheduled visit in the grid.

In the Details Tab, visits can be deleted with a confirmation prompt.

Canceling a Visit

To cancel a visit, click the X Icon on the scheduled visit in the grid.

In the Details Tab, canceled visits require a reason for cancellation.

Change Billing Code - Visit

Billing codes can be changed by editing a scheduled visit. 

Billing codes can be changed in the Create Event panel on the left. 

The Billing Code field can be updated based on the assigned permissions for the visit.

Billable Units - View

The total number of Selected Client Units for the month is displayed at the top-right corner of the calendar.

Bill Units are displayed for any selected mode: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

To view billing units for a specific visit, click on the scheduled visit and navigate to the Billing Tab.

Unsigned Visits

When a visit is signed, a signature icon appears at the bottom of the scheduled visit. 

There is no filter to view unsigned visits based on missing therapist or caregiver signatures.

View unsigned visits by selecting the appropriate options in the Custom dropdown menu in the calendar view. 

  1. Check Missing Therapist Signature to view visits without the therapist's signature. 
  2. Check Missing Caregiver Signature to view visits without the caregiver's signature. 
  3. Additional options include Hide Non-Billable Events to refine the display further.

Filtering Scheduled Visits

Filtering is supported only by Clients in the legacy calendar.

Scheduled visits can be filtered by TherapistsClients, or Groups using dropdown menus at the top of the calendar. 

  1. Click Therapists dropdown to view visits assigned to specific therapists (e.g., Therapists: 23). 
  2. Select Clients dropdown to focus on visits for specific clients (e.g., Clients: 8). 
  3. Use Groups dropdown to display visits associated with particular groups (e.g., Group: 1).
  4. Use the Custom dropdown to:
    1. Hide non-billable events
    2. Show visits with missing therapist signatures
    3. Show visits with missing caregiver signatures


Add notes by clicking the "+" icon on a date slot in calendar grid.

Click the "+" icon next to the desired note type to create a note. 

Notes need to be linked with the visit.

Click on the scheduled visit in the calendar. 

  1. Navigate to the Notes Tab in the left panel. 
  2. Click the "+" icon next to the desired note type to create a note. 

  1. By default, the note is linked to the visit. 
  2. If needed, you can unlink the note from the visit.

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