How To Create or Edit an Event in the Unified Calendar

The unified calendar is currently in invitation-only beta.

Users can create an event, make it a recurring event, and edit an event from the unified calendar.

Create an Event

  1. Users can create a new event in two ways:
    • Click the Create button in the top right of the screen.

    • OR, click on any whitespace in a calendar day.

  2. Complete the fields in the slideover:
    • Event Type
      • Select Visit or Non-billable for a Non-billable event.
        • Please note, this choice determines what other fields you will see in the modal.
    • Therapy Type
      • Select Individual Visit or Group Visit.
        • This option will not appear if you selected Non-billable above
    • Therapist (Required)
      • Type a therapist's name or use the dropdown to select a Therapist.
    • Client (Required)
      • Type a client's name or use the dropdown to select a Therapist
        • This field is dependent on the Therapist selection.
    • Date (Required)
    • Time (Required)
    • Start Address
    • End Address
    • Supervision
      • Select the checkbox if this is a supervised visit.
    • Telehealth
      • Check the checkbox if this is a telehealth visit.
    • Rate
      • If your permissions allow it, set the therapist billing rate.
    • Billing Code
      • If your permissions allow it, set the billing code.
    • Caregiver
      • Use the dropdown to select a therapist.
        • This field is dependent on on the Client selection.
    • Repeat
      • Check the checkbox to make this event recurring.
        • Select the recurring dates.
        • Select if the recurring event will end on:
          • Date: select date
          • End of authorization/units

  3. Click Save.

To Edit an Event

  1. Select an event from the unified calendar to open the event details slideover.
    • If your permissions allow, a pencil icon will appear in the top right of the slideover.
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the event.

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