8.1: Custom Form Builder – Caregiver Documents
Release Recap
The 8.1 release allows users to create custom forms for caregivers to complete in the Caregiver Portal. Custom forms also include writeable smart fields (i.e., Caregivers can submit information in their forms that are saved for later).
The Custom Form Builder also includes:
- The ability for users to route custom forms to the Caregiver Portal for caregivers to complete and sign.
- Smart client fields for caregivers to edit. For example, caregivers can override the saved values of client's contact, payer, secondary payer, and referring physician information.
The following updates have been made to the Caregiver Portal:
- A notification will display to alert caregivers of incomplete forms. An email notification will also be sent to caregivers.
- Incomplete documents can be completed in the “Pending Action” section.
- The “Completed Documents” section includes all documents caregivers have completed.